[Intense Mode] Rejuvenation Walkthrough - Giratina +

2016-05-16 12

See Full Series here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLezAEu8shuO6qdBP5Qq_wjqRpDHhtOSDT

We finally manage to beat Eli and Shardon and move on to see quite a problematic situation!
After we take on the Giratina we have to match up against Aelita another time before we can formally address the Ghost Gym!

This is an Informational Walkthrough of Intense mode of Pokemon Rejuvenation. This mode is actually quite a challenge for a conventional Pokemon player so Metro does his best to explain exactly what win condition he tries to meet in each difficult battle.
There will also be specific videos for beating each Gym Trainer as well as any other very difficult challenge. If you have any questions about where he caught a pokemon or its move set feel free to ask!

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